C. Hope Clark: Writing is me in its finest sense...

C. Hope Clark is a mystery writer as well as the founder and curator of the immensely helpful website and email newsletter Funds for Writers. As part of my exploration of why we write and what it means to be a writer, Hope answers the question Why I write.

"Writing is pure me, pure creativity without crutches, tricks or props. It's me in its finest sense, and the fact that I can do something with that is just remarkably satisfying.

"It's a hard question to answer: why I write. The reason I write is almost counter-intuitive to being a shy person who is a bit fearful of the whole submission, rejection, presentation side of things. However, it's a skill that I can master in the solitude of my own head, without judgment, with a freedom to grasp ideas and flesh them out, making sense of the world through just my eyes, my beliefs, my interpretations. The shyness appears when it comes to putting the words in front of others, for them to pass judgment. However, that judgment defines me and makes me stronger and a better writer, and surprisingly, a more solid person. I cull who relates to me and who does not, and though painful being rejected or given a one-star, I learn how unique I am, and which of my thoughts carries merit, or weight, or has financial worth. But it's my choosing which words to share with the world that empowers, too. It's my manner of expression that makes me feel fulfilled."

If you would like to answer either why you write or what it means to be a writer please send it along to james@orchardwriting.com.