Our Little Bull Durham

Apropos of the post below about the Peanuts movie, there are few things left that remain a true experience, consistent through generations through to today. One of the things that has remained consistent is minor league baseball.

Perhaps this isn't true in all places where minor league teams call home, but our local team in Manchester is true to its heritage and legacy. They are paid, but not enough to make it about the money. The owners may have wealth, but the income from a minor league team isn't enough to make it about the money. Attendance is good, but not overwhelming and ticket prices are low enough to be affordable to everyone ($12 for a very good ticket) so no one goes broke taking their family to a game. And the players are doing their best to win the game and live up to their dream by making it to the big leagues.

I take my family, but this year it's been just my son and me. He is seventeen and has Asperger's, which is a mild form of autism. He's a great, loving kid and the nights we spend at the ballpark is time I would never ever trade away. It is one of the most valuable things I do in my life. The other two are time spent with my daughter and wife, which is always wonderful to me. Our picnic to the beach last night is something I'd never trade away.

And it is these experiences that make me a better writer. You want to feel, seek truth.

So, here's to a true experience: minor league baseball. I hope I can find more of these.